This article is reprinted with permission from Linda Carter with The Retail Management Advisors, and a long time friend and consultant to Smyth Retail and many of our clients. This is a great explanation of the difference between markdowns and discounts. Generally, customers choose to shop a particular store based on the store’s reputation (brand), […]
The Importance of an Accurate Physical Inventory
Guest Post: Our long time friend and industry expert, Linda Carter, with The Retail Management Advisors recently published this wonderful article on the importance of Physical Inventories. She was gracious enough to allow us to re-post her article. As every retailer knows, an annual physical inventory of all merchandise is required by the Federal Income […]
Retail Markdowns
Guest Post: Our long time friend and associate, Linda Carter, with The Retail Management Advisors recently published this wonderful explanation of markdowns. She was gracious enough to allow us to re-post her article. This is a great summary and I highly recommend signing up for her newsletters. A simple definition of markdowns is the difference […]