Every industry and every store has good times and bad. When the industry tide is rising it is easy to be lulled into the belief that you are really doing the right things and making the right decisions. Too often that leads to complacency that translates, into a lack of vision, creativity and experimentation with new ideas. After many years of a great retail environment, many retailers are beginning to suffer from that rising tide mentality now. Customers are tired of the same thinking, designs, promotions and shopping experience. The time is ripe for a new creative and exciting retail idea. Where is that idea?
Actually it is locked in the minds of your staff. It is up to you as the leader of your business to create the environment that allows that creativity to surface. Unfortunately, most organizations stifle creativity due to competition, hierarchy and a fear of being wrong. Ask any kindergarten class to raise your hand if you can dance and 30 hands go up. Ask 100 adults in a group who can dance and 5 hands go up! What happened to the willingness to have fun, take risks and just dance?
Now is the time to try new things and create new options. Now is the time to hold that promotion that is way out there. A furniture store in Chicago had a promotion that said if the Bears were shut out the next weekend, all purchases during the previous week would be free. Sales soared! The Bears were skunked. The insurance company the retailer got to insure the venture paid off big time. The publicity shot the store to the top of the mind of many new furniture shoppers. What have you done differently and creatively in the past 60 days?
Management One affiliates brainstorm ways to find new ideas. The difference between excuses and reasons is the difference between success and mediocrity. Unfortunately too many retailers find excuses:
The weather was too hot or too cold
The snow kept people in the mall
The price of gas keeps people from shopping
The fears about the economy are hurting business
What makes these excuses instead of reasons is that there is nothing that YOU can do to control the weather, the economy or the price of gas. REASONS are things that are within your control. You can do something to make them better. Training, creative thinking, aggressive promotions, buying with more style and better management are all part of taking responsibility, planning for success and making success happen in your business.
Customers are desperate for a new and exciting shop. They are anxious to find new and exciting merchandise. They want to find a relationship and a comfortable place to call home with an environment that is unique and inspiring. All you have to do is provide it, get the word out, and motivate them to come in and see for themselves! At Management One we provide Winning@Marketing to help clients do that. However you accomplish it, your success depends on it.