While recently visiting a great client and good friends, the Andrews, they shared with me the story of their first sales tax audit by the State of California in 42 years. The auditor called to schedule the audit and prepared them for an audit that would last at least two days. Terrified of their first experience, they were going to be sure to have their accounting adviser at their side. Especially for those of us who are diligent about prompt and accurate tax reporting the salt on the wound is always the time and money wasted proving innocence to someone out to prove guilt.
By using the Sales Tax Reporting and Auditing tools provided by Merchant Plus!, they were able to provide a simple tool for the auditor to help her tie their tax returns to each and every sale for which it was collected. She commented that it was the easiest audit she’d ever done and was out of the store in less than two and a half hours instead of days.
Call anytime for our support in preparing for a tax audit if you ever get that call. And don’t dread.