It seems one can’t escape a plethora of passwords, personal identification numbers (PINs), codes and numbers just to function in today’s world. This wouldn’t be so difficult if it was only one special code to remember, but relying on a limited number of codes and passwords is increasingly dangerous as more and more important financial and security obligations require a reasonable mix of complex passwords.
More and more often we hear from clients who have misplaced or forgotten important passwords that are critical to their daily operation; its easy to do as there are so many of them! For example, if you have internet access, you not only need a password for your own account, but one for administrative rights to add and change users and email accounts for your staff. Furthermore, a separate username and password is usually required for your broadband modem and yet another for a router. And if you have a wireless network, you have a whole extra set of passwords and encryption codes to access your own network, let alone computer! As we all continue to expand our utilization of software, networks, and the internet, security becomes increasingly important. With added security comes even more passwords and codes!
To effectively manage all these passwords, it is important that you know where to find all these passwords, yet can also be sure they are secured. One of the important services Smyth Retail provides it a comprehensive list of these codes and passwords with every system and system component we deliver. While we provide you this list and will keep one in our secured files, it is ultimately up to you to retain if you modify and regularly change these passwords on a reasonable yet proper rotation schedule.
Taking a few minutes to compile these passwords and implement a process for updating changes can save you many hours in the future looking for passwords or resetting defaults while you are locked out of access to your technology tools. Do you know all your passwords?